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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm sorry to have to do this, but I feel that I need to put this out there for everyone to read. I won't elaborate, but I have received an email that makes this neccessary if I am going to continue blogging.

****My mission is to create a positive and fun Blog & Facebook page. Please be considerate when commenting. Malicious, rude and negative comments will be removed. Anyone that feels the need to send me a malicious email will be blocked. These pages are dedicated to trying and help everyone save money in these rough economic times. If you are not capable of keeping the positive energy going here and on my FB page, please feel free to either not comment or skip past my page. Thanks for keeping this fun & positive! : )****


  1. Sorry to hear you had a problem. I can't imagine anyone being anything but happy about what you are doing. Hope you continue your blog, so many of us really appreciate it :) Sarah

  2. Thanks Sarah...I appreciate that! It's no problem...just a little bump in the road! I am planning on continuing it, just wanted to let everyone know that I want to keep it positive!!! : )
